Restore Refresh Rejuvenate

Transform your outdoor space into a haven with the professional expertise of Summit Pro Painters. Our professional exterior painting team specializes in serving homes from Cleveland to Canton.

With your home exterior, we handle everything, from suggesting the ideal color palette to expert application. We understand the nuances that make your home unique, ensuring that your outdoor space reflects your style and stands out with a refreshed, vibrant appeal.

Trust Summit Pro Painters to elevate your home's exterior and create an inviting atmosphere.

Make your home truly yours.

Our Process (simplified)

1. Inspection & Planning

  • Assess the current condition of the paint, looking for peeling, cracks, or mildew.

  • Choose the right paint type and color scheme.

  • Check the weather forecast—paint should be applied in dry conditions with mild temperatures.

2. Cleaning the Surface

  • Use a pressure washer to remove dirt, dust, and mildew.

  • Scrub difficult areas with a brush and mild detergent if necessary.

  • Allow surfaces to fully dry before the next step.

3. Scraping & Sanding

  • Scrape off any loose or peeling paint with a putty knife or scraper.

  • Sand rough areas to ensure a smooth surface for new paint adhesion.

  • Feather out edges of remaining old paint to blend with bare wood.

4. Repair & Caulking

  • Fill in holes, cracks, or damaged areas with exterior-grade caulk.

  • Seal gaps around windows, doors, and trim with a window and trim caulk.

  • Allow repairs to dry completely before priming.

5. Priming

  • Apply primer to bare surfaces, patched areas, or highly weathered surfaces.

  • Use a stain-blocking primer for areas with heavy discoloration.

  • Let the primer dry.

6. Painting

  • Apply the first coat using a roller, brush, or paint sprayer.

  • Allow the first coat to dry completely before applying a second coat for durability.

7. Cleanup & Final Touches

  • Inspect for missed spots or uneven coverage and touch up as needed.

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